Using Extension Cords in Your Small Business

Did you know that spending on technologies and services that enable digital transformation worldwide totaled $1.3 trillion in the year 2020? As you can imagine, that number has likely increased in the past two years, too, as more businesses have become established.

If you’re a small business owner looking to transform your space to be more tech-friendly, you may be interested in using extension cords in your physical business space. But what do you need to know before you make a purchase?

First, extension cords are factory-assembled flexible cords that include attachment plugs as line fittings. The load fittings are cord connectors. You may want to use extension cords for your small business’s kitchen space to plug in appliances like toasters, microwaves, and air fryers. You may want to use an extension cord, too, so that teams can work in an area of an office together on a project while the space doesn’t offer enough outlets for computers, cell phones, tablets, and other necessary technology.

Before buying extension cords for your small business, be sure to look at local building codes and your office space’s lease agreement. You don’t want to accidentally use cords you’re not supposed to for safety purposes.

About: Eric

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