As of 2011, nearly 72 percent of North American households reported having internet access. Of that 72 percent, 90 percent used the internet to purchase goods and services. Thus, it clearly appears that the future of business lies in the internet. This means that companies across all industries must take extra care when it comes to professional web design; because in the business world today, it is often the website that is the face of the company.
While having a website that was informative, well maintained, userr friendly, and aesthetically pleasing was good enough a decade ago, this is no longer the case. This is because customers have come to expect that every company website they use will do all of those things and more. In fact, when it comes to website design and online marketing today, experts believe the future resides in mobile marketing and mobile web design.
It seems that as soon as the iPhone was introduced that mobile internet devices took off. Presently, there are more than one billion mobile device users all around the globe. In North America, two thirds of mobile device users have used their iPhones, Androids, Blackberries, or Galaxies to either research or purchase products and services. Obviously, with that many people browsing retail websites via their mobile devices, every company must partner with the best web design and development companies to ensure that their websites are not only state of the art, but that they are mobile friendly.
Interestingly, companies around the world only spent 6.4 billion dollars on mobile marketing last year. Although that is certainly a lot of money, when you consider that almost 500 billion dollars was spent on advertising in 2011, companies need to do better than that. And one of the biggest offenders is small business, of which only 26 percent have mobile friendly websites.
Before we get too alarmed, however, it is still early on in the life of mobile marketing; so hopefully, they are just slow getting to the party. However, since their competition is already on the move and flocking to the best web design and development companies, they need to get on the ball, and make sure they do not miss the party.
Read more: www.globi.ca
Does anybody know if its really worth the cost for custom website design or if I should hire some college kid to do it for me? It seems like it just would not be worth it. Who pays attention to how fancy your website is?
Does anybody know if its really worth the cost for custom website design or if I should hire some college kid to do it for me? It seems like it just would not be worth it. Who pays attention to how fancy your website is?
Does anybody know if its really worth the cost for custom website design or if I should hire some college kid to do it for me? It seems like it just would not be worth it. Who pays attention to how fancy your website is?