Today’s tech landscape is littered with terminology that’s both inventive and completely ordinary-sounding all at once. Take, for instance, the cloud. As it functions, the cloud is shorthand for the Internet because that’s where the majority of the data stored resides. But what is cloud computing technology? Think of it as a way to connect multiple computers through one communication network in order to share data — especially important files and documents — with much more ease and accessibility.
Looking at the cloud worldwide, over 1,000 petabytes of data are currently being stored in its memory. Businesses of all shapes and sizes in various industries across multiple markets are shifting their storage measures in order to take better advantage of the cloud, moving their applications to virtual storage. On average, this is saving businesses over 20% on their server costs.
But what does all this mean for you? The truth is that no matter whether you’re an entrepreneur, a consumer or simply a cog in the corporate machine, cloud infrastructure services comprise the preferred storage means of tomorrow. Don’t believe us? Here, have a look at these examples.
Medical applications.
Picture yourself in new city, in the examination room of a new doctor for an initial consultation. Wouldn’t it be simple if the new doc could access your medical records with a simple swipe on his tablet? Thanks to cloud computing, now he can. Medical records are becoming increasingly more mobile because of digital bookkeeping in doctors’ offices around the world, leading to an even easier overall process for switching health providers.
Consumer sales.
Think back to a time when you did all the research you could on a particular product, then walked into a physical store to purchase it only to find they didn’t carry it in the store. Confusing, isn’t it? But thanks to cloud infrastructure services, retail stores are adapting to better, more up-to-date inventory records on their websites, meaning these types of experiences should be a thing of the past.
Small businesses and startups.
Globalization. It’s become a tainted word because of its implications that America is somehow to blame for famine and hardships in the developing world. But the flip side to globalization — indeed, the more positive aspects — involve how quickly new companies can connect with the world around them. No more depending on physical travel to spread the message into regions that would have once been globally out of reach.
So whether you’re investing in a cloud server or an entire network of cloud infrastructure services or whether you’re just a consumer waiting for the new technologies to implement themselves, prepare yourself for the future of the web. That future belongs to the cloud.