Want to Know How Well Your Website Is Designed? Try Using a Free Website Grader Tool

Website grader

Many businesses and organizations solely rely on their online presence for success. With so much emphasis on website and search engine rankings to improve online sales and web-traffic, it’s crucial that a website is not only functioning to the best of it’s ability, but is also well designed and contains the proper content. For example, it’s important to make sure that a website is using 100% unique on-site content, since that’s what search engines such as Google prefers; in fact, copied content can harm your search engine rankings.

The increase online activity via mobile devices provides a challenge for website owners and business, too. According to recent data compiled by Compuware, 77 percent of the top companies today have mobile page load times of over five seconds. Since the average attention-span of an online user is under 4 seconds, featuring a website that takes longer than 4 seconds to load is bad news.

To ensure that your website is functioning levels necessary for positive results, free website grader tools exist as a valuable resource for businesses and website owners. With many website grader tools operating under a “freemium” experience, there’s no excuse for website owners not knowing how well their website performs. A “Freemium” business model is when a company or organization provides a basic service for free, with premium options for those who want additional value or an ad-less experience. Utilizing a freemium website grader reviewing tool can measure everything about a website from click-through rates to design. The functionality of your website’s online marketing strategies such as SEO, PPC and other analytics can be measured by a website grader as well.

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About: Eric

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