Digital marketing covers a broad and ever changing array of topics. This covers things like email marketing, PPC services and much more. The problem is, with data going back and forth across our computers, there is a much larger need for cloud based hosting. 60% of businesses today now use cloud services for problems relating to IT operations. Many companies are even saving money by moving their operations to the cloud. Out of all the companies that move to the cloud, 82% of companies are reporting that they have saved money doing so.
Moving a site to the cloud is very advantageous for any business, especially when using the best hosting service. The cloud servers can be expensive, but they will make your life much easier in the long run. No more having to back up your computer to external hard drives that can easily be corrupted.
The problem with this however, is that that web security risks have increased by 23% since 2013. With there being 4.49 billion live webpages out there on the web today; it can be a bit overwhelming to anyone in digital marketing, regular marketing, or even basic marketing.
If you are looking for a better way to do business, stay organized, and protect yourself from hackers, cloud services with a dedicated server for all of your files are something you should definitely check out.