Online website development is a juggernaut. Every year, between advances in template website companies and advances in search engine algorithms like Google, there are a ton of things that a typical professional website development agency will have to work with every successive year.
A typical dynamic website development firm can advance far is they have a great product to offer. Early in October, Reuters reported that online website development giant WIX has filed for a $100 million IPO. With progress like that, it should be obvious to everyone that the world of high tech website development is there for the taking.
Online website development giants can serve their customers well by providing them with a website that will tie in with their social media pages. Search engine optimization and social media have become increasingly intertwined. If a businesses main website and social media websites are both producing high quality content, they could find themselves attracting more customers than ever before!
SMI has recently reported that approximately 52% of Facebook users claim to have stopped following a company page because its content became to boring or repetitive. At the same time, the State of Inbound Marketing 2012 reported that the closing rate for social media marketing is approximately 100% higher than standard outbound marketing techniques.
It helps to find a website development and design firm that can take all of these advances into account. Dealing with a single company can be much simpler than having to deal with several. Not only will it be more convenient, but it will also be much less costly. In an era where companies are faced with more competition through the internet, making things simpler and less expensive is something that everyone will appreciate!