From a sales stand point there could be some advantages to selling the company to another group, but if it is not going to be deal that is good for the shareholders the sale will likely stall out. For instance, if the stocks are at 54 cents a share now the employees who are vested could look at shares going to $2 and that would make it worthwhile for them. Whether or not the sale happens, however, will depend on the way the investing group would calculate the liquidated shares for the investors. The company will need to know how much those initial shares would be worth before they make a decision.
In spite of the high financing that is going on with the investors, there are still many day to day decisions that need to be made, and many month end goals that need to be reached. While it may happen that the company will be known by a different name at the end of the summer, right now you are more concerned about the improved green cooling solutions the company is considering.
Data Center Servers Offer Important Functions to Companies of All Size
Whether you are looking at mobile data center container solutions for a small company that is just starting or you are making major decisions about a larger company that is about to be acquired, it is important to take the time to consider the latest green cooling solutions that are available. Consider some of these facts and figures about the data center industry and the impact that they have on the economy of the nation, as well as the pocketbooks of many key investors:
- Data centers more than seven years old are considered out of date according to the latest green computing norms.
- By the year 2023, the global data center liquid cooling market is expected to reach $4.55 billion.
- Compared to air based cooling, liquid immersion cooling requires 25% lower implementation costs.
- Saving up to 99% electricity compared to traditional data center cooling strategies, data centers that use liquid immersion cooling are compact, modular, green, and highly efficient.
- More than 65% of IT equipment failures are directly attributed to inadequate, poorly maintained, or failed air conditioning in the server room.
- Global data center energy consumption is increasing as data centers typically run round the clock and consume nearly 3% of all the generated power across the globe.
From government agencies to oil and gas companies to education, healthcare, financial services. telecommication, and manufacturing, there are many ways industries that rely on the latest green cooling solutions for their data center needs.