If a business is growing, there is a good chance that it will need to work with human resources at some point — or at the very least employ a human resources team. This doesn’t necessarily mean hiring a permanent employee at your own company to handle human resources. This could mean working with human resources executive search firms or outplacement consulting companies. These firms often offer the services of HR recruiters, who can at least handle the hiring aspects of running a company. Hiring internally is one thing — finding a new hire outside of your company is an entirely different game, and is best left to professional HR recruiters for a number of reasons that we’ll discuss below. This is especially important when you’re looking to fill executive positions. HR executive search consultants can help you find the right hires that will stick around, while at the same time filling unique roles in your company. For that matter, search firms can sometimes offer restricting consulting services as well, which will help take your company to the next level. Without further ado, let’s look into how working with an executive search firm can help your company get to where it needs to be.
1. Search Firms Target The Right Hires
It’s one thing to hire someone because they look like the right fit on paper — it’s another to hire someone who will not only do their job well, but get along with their coworkers and stick around. If you cast a wide net and hire only the people who have the right resumes without taking into account personality and future goals, you could easily end up wasting money and time on an employee who isn’t going to stick around for the long term. HR recruiters are experts on finding new hires that are more likely to stay with a company for a longer period of time, while still adding to its success. By June 2015, 2.7 million people had left their jobs willingly that year — this is a 25% increase compared to two years ago. The fact is that people feel more confident in leaving their jobs than they once did. These aren’t people who get fired for performance issues — rather, they’re leaving because they think they can do something better. With that being said, according to a recent survey 1,400 executives felt that the main reason for a failed hire aside from poor performance issues, is a poor skills match. The next most common reason was unclear performance objectives.
2. HR Recruiters Target Diversity
Diversity is a major issue in the workplace in this day and age — and companies can get negative attention if they don’t prioritize diversity. Diversity also leads to greater success. If you have executives from diverse backgrounds working together, they’ll be more likely to create a successful product or service that appeals to a multitude of people. According to studies, gender-diverse companies are 15% more likely to outperform their peers, and ethnically-diverse companies are 35% more likely to do the same. People just have better luck with diverse companies, and HR recruiters can make an effort to hire people of diverse backgrounds who still fit your companies’ needs.
3. HR Recruiters Make Transitioning Simpler
No matter how great a fit an employee is for a position, they might still experience some issues with transitioning into a new workplace. Therefore, it’s important that the transition process is as smooth as possible for everyone involved. HR recruiters understand how to best prepare new employees, and for that matter a company for its new hire. Some HR executive search firms even offer consultants who can help companies make their workplaces more inviting and appealing to employees. This will ultimately lead to better productivity among employees, as well as a happier workplace.