Dental technology evolves constantly — and that’s no different when it comes to the wa today’s dentists are embracing cloud computing solutions in practices across the country.
According to a Nov. 15 Dentistry IQ article, dentists are increasingly resorting to storing their patients’ data and dental records on a cloud server. This digital file storage is replacing the near-ubiquitous rows of manila folders that previously held patients’ information until now.
The spread of cloud computing isn’t yet ubiquitous among dentists, however, according to Dentistry IQ — as many dentists aren’t accustomed to the idea of cloud technology and, afraid of the changes such technology would bring, remain set in their ways.
“…For many practices, the cloud can seem as difficult to comprehend as a cloud itself,” the article states. “It’s crucial for practices to embrace the highest levels of technologies available because our era is advancing so quickly that if they don’t keep up, their competition will.”
Patients worrying about the security of their personal information on a cloud server shouldn’t worry. Cloud solution providers protect their customers’ data with some of the highest levels of encryption and protection available on the market, with data breaches for private servers extremely rare. Even public cloud servers, on which server space is shared between the cloud provider’s customers, are highly secure.
At the same time, cloud computing offers a wide number of advantages for dentists willing to make the switch. Getting rid of all those manila folders opens up a large amount of space in the office, and makes the chances of misplacing patient information extremely low. Bringing up a patient’s dental records is as easy as the click of a mouse as well! So for dentists, switching to the cloud seems only natural.
What are your thoughts on dentists using cloud solutions in their practices? What would you do if your dentist started using a cloud hosting service? Share your thoughts with us below in the comments. Find out more here.