A pet owner today may not think that their cat or dog and lasers go together, but in a veterinarian’s office, cold therapy lasers have emerged as a safe and effective method for treating a number of problems in common pets. Today, lasers are used for more than cutting metal in a factory or remote controls for televisions. Veterinary laser equipment can work with a pet’s natural tissues and blood flow to help these pets recover from common physiological issues, and a vet’s office may look for a veterinary laser for sale if they do not already have one. Investing in a veterinary laser for sale can be a real boon for a vet’s office, and expand its treatment options for clients’ pet dogs, cats, and even birds. Pre-owned veterinary lasers may be found on the market for wholesale, or a vet’s office may turn to other wholesale distributors to get a veterinary laser for sale, or even two of them. Medical laser suppliers may be ready and willing to provide a veterinary laser for sale for a fair price (the exact price will vary, of course).
Using Lasers on Pets
How exactly might a beam of focused light help a dog recover from a leg problem, or a cat’s inflammation go down? Traditional medicines exist for this, but lasers promise to be a low-risk, non-invasive method for treating a number of conditions in cats and dogs. These lasers, put simply, will use their energy to stimulate cells in the affected tissues, thus allowing cells to multiply faster and allow the animal to begin recovery more easily. Such stimulation may help the lymph nodes do their work, and this may also allow for faster and more effective blood flow as well. Any or all of those responses to a laser will help the animal heal form an injury more quickly. In short, it turbo-charges the body’s own healing abilities. Today, the World Assn. of Laser Therapy as published data showing that targeted tissues may need a dose of five to 10 joules per centimeter squared to get the desired biological response in the patient’s cells. This may bolster blood flow and cell division, and a pet’s swollen and inflamed leg may recover faster, just as one example.
The Right Equipment
A veterinarian’s office may not already have such a laser emitter on hand, so a vet’s office owner may go online and look up animal medicine suppliers who may have a veterinary laser for sale on the market. The vet’s office owner may look for a new or a used model, depending on their preference, and find the model that suits their needs best. And once the laser arrives, the staff may invest in safety goggles both for the user and the non-human patient alike. Even a dog will need safety glasses when this laser is used, as a precaution. Staff members may get training to use this laser most effectively and safely on cats, dogs, and birds, and a veterinarian may look up online training courses if there are no in-person courses nearby.
Taking Your Pet to the Veterinarian
The owner of a wounded or ill pet is advised to bring that pet to a nearby vet’s office or an animal hospital, depending on the severity of the pet’s problem, and have the health issue diagnosed. In some cases, a cat or dog may have the option of laser therapy, and the pet’s owner will be informed of this option and what it entails. Should the owner agree, the pet may be brought in for several laser sessions on the affected tissues to get the desired natural response. And when bringing a pet to the vet’s office, the owner should be ready to accommodate the pet’s behavior. Some cats or dogs may be frightened by other pets or people in the office, or they may turn aggressive. A frightened or aggressive pet may be left in the client’s car until they are ready to bring their pet directly to the vet’s exam room. Otherwise, a well-behaved, leashed dog may be in the waiting room with its owner, and a cat may be in a small carrying kennel (cats are not typically leashed).