Today’s world is indeed a wired world, and despite the uses of wireless technology, many modern electronic devices can be often are plugged into each other for a secure connection and transmission of data. Many different types of cables can be found today, from cat5 cables and cat6 cables all the way to bulk fiber optic cables to USB cables, and more. Electronic devices such as computers and their monitors, fax machines, printers, video game consoles, digital projectors, and more will have the correct ports where these cables can be plugged in. Examples include DisplayPort features, USB ports (very common), and ports for Ethernet cables on routers and Internet-capable items such as laptops and game consoles. An HDTV may have a DisplayPort on it for high-definition video, similar to an HDMI port, and a digital projector might have a DisplayPort on it, too. But whether someone is using a DisplayPort or USB port or anything else, they can enjoy the secure and smooth transmission of data that cables allow.
The Right Cables for the Office
Any business today, big or small, is going to make use of computers and an Internet connection in order to stay competitive. This means that when a new office is being set up, IT professionals will install both the hardware and software needed for a hard day’s work, including desktop PCs, routers, and a data center. All of this allows employees to create and share files with each other in the office, and even access information beyond the office itself. This includes threading cables all over the place to keep all of these items connected securely.
For those not aware, a data center is a room filled with hundreds or even thousands of computers that are linked with cables to form a single, powerful entity. These are not desktop PCs, and they won’t have monitors, printers, or keyboards plugged into them, either. Instead, these computers sit on specialized racks in a windowless room, and together they form an enormous storage space that desktop PCs can make use of. Any computer plugged into this data center gets access to the vast storage space inside, and all connected computers can easily share files this way. PCs plugged into that data center can also enjoy boosted processing power from that data center.
That’s not all. Cables are necessary to form and plug into a data center, but an Internet connection is needed, too. Ethernet cables can handle this, and they will plug into a computer or laptop on one end and plug into a router on the other. This enables a smooth and secure Internet connection, as an office’s computers may get overwhelmed if they’re all trying to connected wirelessly and interfere with each other. Ethernet cables and cables plugging into the data center may be threaded discreetly around the office, and holes may be drilled into the floor to allow cables to go through. Most often, these cables will be arranged so that they are not a tripping hazard, and so that they won’t be easily unplugged.
This also involves some basic safety measures. Cables or electrical cords of any type may get worn out, when the plastic sheath wears away to expose the inner wires. Those hot metal wires may easily set carpets, papers, or drapes on fire upon contact, so frayed wires should be found and repaired at once for maximum safety.
Cables at Home
Cables also have a place at the home, such as a home office. Many employees choose to work at home for various reasons, and this means having a fully wired home office. Here too, an Ethernet cable allows a PC or laptop to be plugged into a router for a secure Internet connection, and a computer may be plugged into a printer.
Cables can also be used for fun. Many Americans like to build home entertainment systems, where compatible items such as digital projectors, HDTVs, laptops, sound systems, Blu-Ray players, and video game consoles can be plugged into each other. The main limit here is the need to keep all involved items compatible by cable type, and having those cables on hand. Game consoles can also be plugged into the Internet with Ethernet cables for video streaming and online gaming.