If you have a server that you have neither the room to host or the manpower to maintain, the best option for you to get the best out of it that you can is to utilize colocation hosting. When you decide to utilize colocation hosting, you will have a great opportunity to get your server on a high bandwidth network in a place where it will be maintained by professionals while it still remains completely yours. While colocation hosting means that your server will be offsite, it will still provide you with all of the best network capabilities that your company could have dreamed of and that is what will count the most for your business.
In terms of the initial costs involved, you will find that colocation hosting can be a lot less expensive than hosting your servers internally for several reasons. To start with, by using colocation hosting, you will not have to employ and pay an IT staff to maintain and watch your server for you because that will be included in the package. Using colocation hosting also means that you will not have to worry about paying for an expensive network package. Instead, all of this will be included in the monthly fee.
In order to take advantage of colocation hosting, you will merely need to bring your server to the location that has the hosting facilities and once it is there, you can hook it up and leave it alone. In fact, the only time you will even need to visit your server equipment is if you decide to upgrade it or if you have some sort of problem that the colocation hosting facility cannot deal with. Other than that, they will handle everything else for you.
In order to find the best collocation facility, you should look into a directory service situated on the internet. When you look out for collocation facilities in this way, you will be able to search by your zip code and get a list of the ones closet to your area. Then, you can call them up and get yourself set up.
With only a low monthly fee to maintain, you will find that the costs of your network will greatly go down. You will also get the benefits of the fastest network speeds and best maintenance. In the end, your network will be in a better place in someone else’s facility.