If you run a business, you probably understand how hard it is to communicate with all of your customers. In fact, you likely only hear from customers during business hours. One way to ensure that you answer all of your customers’ questions and address all of their needs is to purchase a small business telephone answering service. Listed below are just a few of the benefits that one of these small business telephone answering services can provide for your company.
Better customer service
If you have ever tried calling a business after hours, you know the frustrating one feels when getting nothing but a message saying the business is closed. One benefit of these answering services is that they offer better customer service to your customers. In fact, if you go for a 24/7 answering service that allows after hours answering, customers can contact the business at anytime. What you use your small business telephone answering service for, however, determines the other benefits that you receive.
Handle customers’ questions and concerns
If you decide to have an answering service that lets customers leave a message, this can help you to later address customers’ questions and concerns. However, you also can have options on your answering service that provides answers to common questions that customers may have. This will help to address customer concerns and questions quickly, which will lead to happier customers and more purchases. In fact, around 45% of consumers would cancel an online purchase if their concerns and questions were not addressed quickly enough.
Hear customer complaints
Although you may feel as if you hear customer complaints somewhat frequently, you may only be hearing some of them. In fact, the normal business hears from around 4% of its dissatisfied customers. While hearing complaints may not sound all that enticing, it can help you to improve your business and lead to less dissatisfied customers. By allowing customers to voice their complaints 24/7 without having to talk to someone, you may end up hearing more valuable information.
Spread information farther
Another benefit that automated answering services can provide is the spreading of information. Yes, an answering service can allow for your customers to communicate better with you. However, it can also lead to you communicating better with them. If you have certain information that you would like your customers to hear, an answering service could be the best way to spread it. If you have a change in your hours you can let customers know during non-business hours. If you are running certain specials, you could choose to let your customers know about this when they’re calling after hours. This can entice them to visit your store or company during business hours.
Does your business use an automated answering service? Would you appreciate it if a company had an automated answering service? Let us know in the comments!