How Your Company Can Benefit From Working With a Digital Marketing Firm

Integrated digital marketing

Many Internet users tend to be a bit impatient when it comes to the time it takes for a website to load. A recent survey showed that 40% of users will just wait three seconds. If the site doesn’t load during that time span, then they’ll leave and conduct another search.

There are other issues that frustrate users, particularly those that prefer to use their mobile devices to access the Internet. In addition to 46% of mobile users reporting that they experienced difficulties interacting with web pages, 44% complained that they had issues with page navigation. This can make a significant difference with a company’s sales figures, because four out of five consumers report that they use their smartphones to go shopping.

When it comes to worldwide Internet users, 40% report that they’ve purchased both products and goods online. In order to complete their shopping, they’ve used their desktop computers as well as their mobile devices. This includes tablets and other devices such as smartphones. It’s important to note that 34% o cell Internet users mainly go online with their phones. They are less inclined to use their desk or laptop computers.

When a business is looking for solutions, Inspired Magazine reports that they have ten seconds to make a good impression. This is keeping in mind that their website loads well, is responsive, and contains informative content. Internet users want to know what they can learn or otherwise receive from a company and their website during this time. This is just one of the reasons why having relevant content is essential for grabbing a potential customer’s attention. When these individuals don’t have a positive customer experience, they are less likely to return to a specific site.

Given that Internet reading habits vary, some people are fine with content that contains bulleted lists while others may just ignore them. A recent survey, however, showed that 70% of Internet users will look at information contained in bulleted lists, while 55% of users will read lists that don’t have bullets. As a way to address this, both types of lists could be included on a company’s website. While this content shouldn’t necessarily be duplicated, it can highlight or address some of the same or related information.

Whether you’re just launching your first business or have owned your company for decades, there’s a good chance you have a website. If you used a professional web designer and SEO company for this, then it’s quite likely you’ve noticed a considerable amount of traffic coming to your site. However, if this isn’t the case, then it may be time to contact a search engine optimization, or SEO company, to upgrade your site to work across multiple platforms. Given the results of a recent poll, when you have a good mobile site, you can increase they amount of users that visit your business. If not, then more than half of these users, or 52%, aren’t likely to become your customers.

When your company website works across multiple platforms, you may be interested to know that when a potential customer or client conducts a mobile search, 70% of these lead to online actions within the hour. When your work with a professional web design and SEO company, they will provide SEO for mobile devices. As a result, there’s a good chance that your business will be listed within the first few search engine results. An SEO company can provide a variety of other important services, such as SEO strategies for E-commerce sites and SEO strategies for small businesses.

About: Eric

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